Can You Swim in the Ocean in Seattle?

Aside from its excellent natural beauty and energetic city life, Seattle is now one of the most popular places for tourists and locals. Because it is close to the Pacific Ocean, many people think they can spend a refreshing time taking a good swim in its waters. This, on the other hand, is not as easy as someone could imagine.

Can You Swim in the Ocean in Seattle?

Puget Sound: Seattle's Coastal Waters

Although it is true that Seattle is close to the Pacific Ocean, it is in fact built on the shores of Puget Sound, a connected system of marine waterwaysᅳwith quite different swimming conditions compared to the open ocean.

Water Temperature: The Chilly Challenge

The most important influence that swimming in Seattle's coastal waters has on human beings is that of water temperature. Puget Sound waters are cold; average temperature varies between 45°F to 55°F year-round, i.e., 7°C to 13°C. In a warm season, the air temperature may rise to a comfortable level from 70°F to 80°F, which is relatively low for the summer months.

It can turn really powerfully ugly for most people not really used to swimming in cold water, pressing toward the dangerous side. Immersion for a long period in cold water may lead to hypothermia, a medical emergency in which the body is losing heat faster than producing the same. Symptoms include shivering, numbness, confusion, and fatigue. In terrible cases, it can even lead to unconsciousness and drowning.

Local Swimming Holes: More Colorful Alternatives

However, other activities can still be enjoyed in the water both inside Seattle and around Seattle, though it will not be as enjoyable as those in the warm areas. Public beaches are numerous including Alki Beach and Golden Gardens, where people can wade into and play in the shallow water soaking up the sun during the warm months.

There are a number of indoor and outdoor swimming pools in Seattle. Besides, there are some fairly warm lakes also. Probably the most popular lake is Lake Washington, located east of the city. During the summer, swimmers, boaters, and other water enthusiasts crowd the body of water.

Safety Issue and Precaution

Of course, taking safety precautions is only appropriate if you are going to swim in the icy waters of the Puget Sound. Check weather and water quality reports before heading out. Know what threats you may find, from strong currents and underwater obstacles to marine life.

Appropriate protective clothing, such as a wetsuit or drysuit, will also help keep your body temperature at the proper level. Do not swim alone. Stay within designated swimming areas, which should be under lifeguard supervision.


Although it might sound magical, in reality, swimming in the ocean around Seattle is not quite an option, as the water surrounding the Puget Sound is rather cold. But that's not to say one can't fully take in the coastal beauty and undertake other water activities in Seattle.

You can still enjoy much of your time in this beautiful coastal city through increased awareness of local conditions, the exploration of safer swimming alternatives, and due caution. Either you decide to dip your toes in the cold waters of the Puget Sound or choose a warm swim in the numerous lakes and pools of Seattle, you will always have unforgettable experiences in this Pacific Northwest jewel. To ensure your home stays clean and welcoming after your adventures, consider utilizing Seattle housekeeping services.


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