Do House Cleaners Bring Their Own Supplies?

Among the first questions you might have when hiring a house cleaner is, "Will I need to supply cleaning products or will they provide their own?" The reality is that it depends on your specific cleaner or cleaning service. Below is a step-by-step guide, we look at some of these possible situations and what you might expect.

Do House Cleaners Bring Their Own Supplies?

The Benefits of Cleaners Bringing Their Own Supplies

Many commercial cleaning services, like Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy, like to bring their own supplies for the following reasons:

  • Consistency and Quality: When cleaners bring their products, the same results can be achieved in all homes. The products are all known to them, and they understand how each one works and the quality of cleanliness that it offers.

  • Specialized Products: It is not uncommon for professional cleaners to have access to superior, commercial-grade cleaning products that are not available to the average citizen. Products such as these work on tough stains and leave the home spotless.

  • Convenience: Supplying means one less thing you have to think about. You do not have to rush out and buy cleaning products the day or morning before, and you won't be concerned that you might run out of something before the cleaner gets there.

  • Eco-Friendly Options: Some cleaning services, like Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy, actually specialize in environmentally-friendly, non-toxic products for cleaning. If they are providing their own supplies, then they will be able to get your house clean and safe for your family and the environment. For more information, visit the website.

  • Expertise: Professional cleaners are trained in handling their supplies and using them efficiently. They have the experience knowing which works on which surface types, they know whats the right tool to use and how to used it properly.

The Advantages of Providing Your Own Supplies

On the other hand, some homeowners prefer to provide their own cleaning supplies this is due to the following reasons:

  • Cost Savings: If you already have the cleaning supplies, then providing them to your cleaner will save you money. Some cleaning services will charge an extra amount for bringing along their cleaning supplies.

  • Personal Preferences: If you have specific brands or scents that you would prefer, or if you have allergies or sensitivities to some of the products, then providing the supplies ensures that your cleaner uses the product you are comfortable using.

  • Familiarity: If you have a particular way you like things cleaned, if you provide the supplies, the cleaner will be sure to do it exactly how you like, which can enable him or her to clean your house exactly how you like.

  • Control: When you supply, you can choose whatever product you want. This is of great importance, especially when you have small children and pets. The reason for this is that some products could contain harsh chemicals.

Finding the Perfect Balance

In some cases, you may find a compromise that works best for both you and your cleaner:

  • Supplying the Essentials: You provide most of the essentials, including sponges, rags, and a vacuum cleaner. The cleaner then brings along whatever cleaning products they prefer.

  • Discuss Preferences: If you have any preferred products or allergies, inform the cleaner of these in advance. They might be willing to go out of their way for you, or they might have some alternative they've used successfully before.

  • Discuss Eco-Friendly Options: Extremely Important If using environmentally friendly products is essential for you, then ask your cleaner whether they provide green cleaning services or if they are open to using the eco-friendly products that you will be providing.

  • Hybrid Approach: Some cleaning services take a kind of hybrid approach whereby they bring along their own products but will also include any specific products that a client requires. That way, a client can have the best of both worlds in terms of the expertise of the cleaner and also the personal touch of having their own favorite products used.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, whether your house cleaner supplies or uses your supplies will be up to you and the service provider that you pick. As always, communication is going to be the major key here to ensure everyone gets a fair shake in the deal.

If you're looking for a cleaning company that is committed to green cleaning and brings their high-quality supplies, look no further than Seattle Green Cleaning Fairy. Because they practice green cleaning, your home will sparkle without risking your health or the environment.

Clean home, happy home; but the correct cleaner, along with having the proper supplies, makes most of the difference.


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